More stuff about me

March 28th, 2023. 1:45am

Well I assume my short "about me" section on the front page led you to this blog post. My goal in this post is to feed your ever-hungry mind on who the hell I am. I'm going to list some of the stuff mentioned on my home page that I enjoy or advocate for, to catch you up too speed if your tik tok short attention span brain got bored of reading it or just forgot it.

Alright, now thats all out of the way, let me talk about the stuff listed above.

My career goals are pretty self explanatory. I enjoy tinkering around with linux, old computers, and have many other plans to make email servers at home, and I have made security cameras in the past with older hardware. I want to work in the cyber-security field, and become a security specialist, engineer, sys-admin, or do stuff outside of that and be a programmer or data scientist. I'm so happy that I am able to pursue one of my passions and hobbies as a career. Some people have tough luck pursuing their passions because they involve either the music or art industry. Mine involves the tech industry, and god knows that it has been taking control of the world as of lately. I could go on and on about how the tech industry is making lives, and ruining them at the same time, and how fast the industry is changing. I hate to be the guy that says "oh technology bad", but (to an exent) its sorta true. I believe the sole reason why attention spans nowadays are rapidly declining, is because of the large amount of social media use. Constantly being fed information on a screen is addicting, and they do it on purpose(thats a whole other rant that I will get into on another post lol). Social media can be used for so much good like promoting your brand/company, connecting with relatives, and friends, and sharing what you enjoy doing with the world. But there is soooo much bad that comes with it. I would argue their is more good than bad.

linux tux penguin cat furiously typing

I love to excercise. I have been fairly fit my whole life, but I would like to get into bodybuilding and gain some weight. I'm a pretty skinny guy (6 foot 4, 165 pounds) so I would like to thicken out at some point in my life. I've always hated being called skinny as a kid. It got on my nerves so much, but I pretended like it didnt and I was ok with it. Im most definetley not ok with it, and it bothers me quite often. I've learned to live with it though. Being someone that is constantly online, its hard to find other people like you who are nerds, and are super jacked. This was especially rare during the early internet days. But there is one known figure that changed everything. His name is Zyzz. He was the one person that inspired me to get into bodybuilding. Not only is he inspiring, he's also relatable. He started off as a young skinny, nerdy kid who sat at home all day on his computer playing World of Warcraft and stuff. He got sick and tired of it and decided to change that. He worked out hard and ended up looking hella aesthetic and was on top of the world. Yeah he used hella steriods, but that doesnt stop me from trying to acheive a nice body myself.

zyzz being a sick cunt zyzz being a shredded cunt
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Ah yes, linux. Let me start off with saying this, Linux is our last hope for home computer privacy and security. Windows is such a bloated OS full of spyware and adware now. Windows 11 is ridiculously unecassary. It's just Windows 10 with a fresh coat of paint. I thought Windows 10 was bad, but Win 11 was a slap in the face. I am one of the unlucky souls that happens to use Win 11 on their main pc (really just a laptop). Its my main computer cuz it was like 1000$ and the specs are infinetley better than my thinkpad. I keep Win 11 on here on purpose because I dont want to fuck with any of my files on this. I use it for college, and some classes are strictly online, so I rely on this thing heavily. You bet that the day that I graduate college, my ass is deleting windoze, and slapping a fresh copy of Arch in this fella. The convience of Win 11 is nice though. Theres no need to do a fuckton of googling just to learn how to change programs on a window manager, or how to do a dual monitor setup. Windoze does all of that for you, and I WISH that they would get their shit together and fix there damn OS because its actually really good, its just bloated with nonsense and more prone to blue screening with every update.

Linux free's you from all of that nonsense. The only issue with linux though is the learning curve. Depending on your distro of choice, it can be extremely challenging to remember basic terminal commands, or troubleshoot. Maaaaan, dont even get me STARTED on troubleshooting on linux. I have probably spent a month's worth of hours trying to figure out how to basic tasks on linux. It's a pain in the ass, but the reward is definetley worth it. The knowledge you gain from using Linux can be used in future careers, and even put on your resume. I would say that I'm quite fluent in the linux environment, but there is still sooooooo much to learn. Call me crazy, but I think its kinda fun. It must be a weird masochist thing though lmao.

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