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About Me

Howdy folk's, Ducky here. For those of you who dont know, (which is like everyone that visits this site lol) I'm a 20 year old college student studying computer science. I have a huge passion for all things tech, and I currently enjoy what I'm studying at school. I also enjoy fitness oriented things like calisthenics, bodybuilding, and running. I try to stay healthy, but goddamit sometimes I cant resist some fast food or energy drinks lol.

When it comes to tech, I'm mostly up to date with things related to Linux and as of lately AI. I'm probably the biggest internet and computer security advocate you will ever meet (besides SomeOrdinaryGamers On youtube lmao). I firmly believe that everyone has the right to privacy offline and online. The new age of the internet has brought many great things, but with those great things come lots of uselesss data tracking, activity tracking, cookie tracking, blah blah blah. Call me a crazy consipiracy theorist, but I believe that the USA is slowly becoming a surveillance state day by day with these crazy digital privacy laws recently.

Anyways, enough of the cybersecurity ranting. I should save that for my blog page. More stuff about me.... Hmmmmm...... Ah! my favorite animal is the duck. Why you may ask? Well, first of all they are freaking adorable. I dont think I've ever looked at one and thought "wow that thing is ugly". Second of all, I believe they are the superior species. They can fly, walk, float, and swim. I dont think there is another animal that isnt a bird that is capable of achieving such feats.

Besides all of this, I dont want to go into too much detail about myself on the front page, so if you want to know more about me, then head over to the blog page and read all about little ol' me. I plan to maintain this site for as long as I can because this stuff is sooooo much fun. I would also like to use the projects page for my resume for when I eventually graduate college and apply for places. I want them to see my passion for these things, and that I enjoy doing stuff like this for fun. Employers love a passionate employee. Thanks for taking the time to visit my dumb little site. Mi casa es tu casa so enjoy your stay :)

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If you have anything you want to say, like advice on my site, or you just want to talk to strangers on the internet through my extremely obscure website, you can do it here :)


Current song that I cant stop listening to

Current addiction:

Gods nectar

Ghost energy drinks babeyyyyy

a gif of a rubber duck spinning

Last updated: 7/3/2023, 1:43am