I hate ultimatums with all my being

3/28/2023, 11:27pm

A rant of sorts... by yours truly

Why do they exist? I wont go too much into detail on why I despise them, but there are things in my life that are happening that are leading up to me making some life changing decisions, that I have little to no control over. Is it my incompetence to make decisions ahead of time? Because 90% of the time I just stay silent on an important decision until it gets to a point where I NEED to make a decision. I hate how it makes you feel, I hate how its used against you, I hate how the concept even exists.

I hate everything about it

To be fair, Its happening to me for very good reasons..... But I still dont like it

I've been going insane the past couple of days because of it. All parties in my situation are doing this, and I cant take it anymore. I'm kinda starting to lose it

I want everything to go back to the way it was. It was so increadibly stress free. It's getting so bad to the point where Im starting to regret taking those times for granted. They seem so much better to live in. I dont even know anymore. I feel like I'm in the wrong for thinking this way, and I probably am. But Goddamn does this shit bother me. surely theres another way of going about things?

I wish things were back to normal again. I wish things were a little less crazy. I wish I knew how to handle things like this emotionally. I wish life was like it was a couple of months ago.

I just want to curl up into a ball and wither away

-- Duckyboi